goomemtrry dasj
goomemtrry dasj
this is wicked!!
imo it kinda feels drawn out at times, also a little empty but that's just a nitpick of mine :p
i love the overall composition! could use some more elements to fill in blank spots though
the part at 1:28 caught me so offguard, i LOVE it
the master could be a little bit louder, a tiny bit of clip distortion and/or some saturation would do wonders here
great stuff dude :0
Sound Design: 8/10 ★★★★★★★★☆☆
The sound design on this makes it so fun to listen to honestly! The body lead almost sounds like a distorted guitar and I'm HERE for it tbh
Variation: 10/10 ★★★★★★★★★★
Great variation! The variation made this track really fun to listen to, and I noticed something new every time I went back!
Fullness: 9/10 ★★★★★★★★★☆
Normally I'm really stingy about fullness, but you did amazing work on this!
Mixing: 10/10 ★★★★★★★★★★
Honestly 0 complaints here! I aspire to mix this well lmao
Mastering: 10/10 ★★★★★★★★★★
Mastering is also on point!
Dynamics: 8/10 ★★★★★★★★☆☆
The dynamics are a bit funky but that definitely doesn't take away from how sick this track is overall.
Sound Design: 8/10 ★★★★★★★★☆☆
I can't really say this is good or bad sound design since it's chiptune lmao, but this sounds great and I could definitely listen to this! The end part gave me chills and I LOVE it tbh
Variation: 9/10 ★★★★★★★★★☆
I love how you made a small section of the song slower, I LOVE BPM changes in electronic music, especially with how intense this song is. It's like a "we made it" scene that immediately gets interrupted by utter chaos.
Fullness: 7/10 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
Fullness is really hard to do in jummbox due to some of its restrictions, but you did a really good job dealing with that here!
Mixing: 10/10 ★★★★★★★★★★
Honestly great mixing all around, no complaints here! (but what was that blep in the end though LOL)
Mastering: 8/10 ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Nothing to say here, great mastering job overall! Might be categorizing this wrong, but you may want to cut the audio shortly after 1:50
Dynamics: 9/10 ★★★★★★★★★☆
Again, no comments here! You did a really great job on all of this!
WOW this is an incredible review! I really appreciate it bro! That ending was really fun to work on, and so was the tempo change section. I like the “we made it” transitioning to chaos idea, it’s what I had in mind while producing (or something like that) I’m really glad you liked it, thanks a bunch! (:
So I'm going to make this easy to view really quick because I actually migrated from FLM to FL 20!
Sound Design: 8/10 ★★★★★★★★☆☆
The sound design for the drop is insane considering the small selection of synths and processing available. The body lead is a bit loud, though.
Variation: 6/10 ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
I love the difference between the first and second drop, the second half of the second drop is pure madness and I love it, but the body could use some work.
Fullness: 4/10 ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Though everything sounds good, the song overall feels a bit empty. I'd recommend adding some sound effects to the body to fill that, and maybe add some really quiet percussive backing to the drop to add texture and fullness. This would help a LOT in 1:32 and 3:16, adding a quiet cinematic drum loop would help this out a lot, since this part sounds super cool but really empty at the same time.
Mixing: 5/10 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
The drums are well mixed, but like I said the body lead is a bit loud and overpowering. Try adding an automation clip that automates the volume of the lead or add a low/highpass filter that opens as the body progresses!
Mastering: 4/10 ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
FLM makes it stupidly difficult to make a good master, so I'm impressed by your master here!
Dynamics: 0/10 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Honestly don't take this 0/10 rating too harshly, it's hard to add dynamics to a master in FLM, but I have to be honest. If you want, PM me and I can show you a method I learned over FL 20 that helped me add dynamics that I think you might be able to incorporate into FLM! :)
If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me and I'll be glad to help! <3
Btw you have some serious potential, if you keep working and improving I'm sure I'll be seeing your name a lot more often! :)
I'm not a huge fan of color bass but what you did at 2:12 is INSANE!! I love the synth fills in between the drops too, the sound design is honestly insane. 3:48 is GODTIER IM NOT EVEN JOKING DUDEE
I could imagine 3:48 getting played as a closer for a huge festival, like mainstage at EDC LV.
Honestly amazing work here, loved it from start to finish. <3
thank you so much man!! that means the world to me <3
Absolutely wicked sound design in the beginning, love it! The drop is great too but the kick is kind of weak, I'd recommend some kind of distortion or transient processor on it or sidechain to make it stand out more. The second drop is pure FILTH and I love it!! Same thing as the first drop though, the kick needs to stand out more because I could barely hear it.
Great track overall though, just touch up those drop drums and work on the mix and you'll be set! :)
Amazing, thanks for listening and your feedback :)
Honestly this is a really solid track and I love it! This gives me melodic trap vibes from 2019 and I am HERE for it tbh
Great stereo, I love the pluck/music box that gets introduced at 0:54, it adds a lot of character and emotion to the drop!
The snare at 1:36 is great but it could use a humanizer. I see you're using FL Studio? If you open up Patcher and browse presets you'll see a 'Humanizer' preset, I would add that to that snare. It's a really rough thing, but it helps add variation and a more realistic feel to drums.
I can't tell what kind of mastering style you're going for, though. If you're going for a more vintage-styled master you got it on point! IF you're trying to go for a more modern-styled master this could use work.
I don't know what software you have, but here are a couple good starting effects for modern masters.
OTT (on like 2-5% depth and max time)
Fresh Air (Optional, the same effect can be added in Ozone)
Ozone 9 (Elements or Standard)
Beautiful vocals and great track! The harmonics with the "Now is the time!" actually gave me goosebumps haha
Great drum sample choice, I'm normally not a fan of that type of snare but I absolutely love it here! Everything is so fluid, I love it :0
The only complaint I have is about the transition at 2:52; it was was a little rough and kinda unexpected. It still sounds good, but I would suggest trying to find a way to work into it for like 2-4 more bars? That's just my opinion though, this still sounds great!
yo! my name's kai, and i make music under X
my goal's to make music that makes u feel comfortable with urself, music that helps u when u need it
i'm not active here at all HAHA, please check my links below to see my more current stuff !!
Joined on 12/25/20